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Your Daily Horoscope

First Decanate April 21 to April 30 The beautiful things in life

You feel drawn to beautiful and luxurious things that are expensive. It could be that the most beautiful things in life are often those that are the simplest, and mostly come without an expensive price tag at all. Keep your eyes peeled for these treasures - the wonders of the world - you’re able to sense them and recognize their true worth more clearly than ever.

Second Decanate May 1st to May 10 Positive feelings

Dominated by positive feelings of love and goodwill, any meetings you have, whether to do with work or personal matters turn out to be satisfying and good-natured. The warmth you show towards the people you meet, as well as those you love and care about most is reciprocated, and they feel positively influenced by your very agreeable mood.

Third Decanate May 11 to May 20 Tread new paths

Try to move on from existing problem-solving strategies that you find frustrating. Instead, search for new ways to approach problems. A far less conventional route sometimes results in a much more satisfying outcome for all concerned. You also find a new companion for the journey, who can help you with any difficulties you may encounter on the way.